News Archive 2006-2009
What follows is an archived copy of the news updates on CVSCC's website prior to October 23, 2009 and the related web hosting/format change.
October 16, 2009
Viewing of the Brazilian GP, Oct. 18 at The Maple Lounge near Hwy 12/53 in Eau Claire. The meeting room has been reserved. Preview Show - 10am Race - 10:30am, food and refreshments provided by the Club.
Guests are welcome!
Join us for a road tour (cruise) on Sunday before the GP viewing. Meet at The Maple lounge at 8:30 am.
September 14, 2009
Results are in from the September 13th CVTC West Autocross - By class and By Pax (SI class not converted to Pax - value of 1).
TV 13 News Footage
TV 18 News Footage
July 21, 2009
Fri Jul 24th, 2009 CVSCC 2009 Novice Autocross School - REGISTER NOW!
July 1, 2009
Results from the June 28 autocross are available here (photos coming soon)
June 1, 2009
Registration for the CVSCC/CVTC autocross on June 28 is NOW OPEN! Information and link to registration here
March 17, 2009
The first meeting of 2009 will be Thursday, March 19th at 7pm (Dooley's Pub).
February 2, 2009
The first meeting of 2009 will be Thursday, Feb 19th at 7pm (Connell's II). Also, the calendar is being updated with more events and details being added as they become available.
October 30, 2008
Greetings race fans,
Just a note to remind you about this weekends Brazilian GP. Once again the championship will be decided at the last race of the season, and once again we are hosting a little get-together at our house for anyone who would like to watch the race live and cheer on their favorite team or driver. The Acura Pre-race show starts at 10:30 and the race at 11:00 on Sunday Nov 2. Concessions will be available. Just let me know if you plan on attending. Our address is 1718 Main St., phone #836-0145.
Bye for now,
October 10, 2008
Dick Feeney's famous 'Lock To Lock' (50th anniversary) rally will be held on October 12. Departing from Godfather's Pizza on Clairemont/London roads in Eau Claire at 1pm. For full details see page 2 of the most recent CVSCC newsletter or for a quick view here's a snapshot of that page.
October 3, 2008
While already sent via email in timely fashion by our newsletter editor Aaron, the last newsletter (September 2008) is also now available for online viewing on this CVSCC website under 'Newsletter'. NOTE - If you would have provided an email address you would have already enjoyed this fine newsletter!!!
September 28, 2008
Results and the first set of photos are now posted from today's autocross at CVTC. Thanks to all who entered and helped with a special thanks to those who did not run and just helped or took control in helping out with key positions in planning and running the event! An extra special thanks to CVTC, CVTC Auto Tech/Body studunts & clubs, CVTC Dental Club, and MN Autox Club!!! We'll see you next year.
September 3, 2008
While already sent via email in timely fashion by our newsletter editor Aaron, the last 3 newsletters (June, July, August) are also now available for online viewing on this CVSCC website under 'Newsletter'
August 24, 2008
Online registration is now open for the Sept 28th autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College. Details here
August 22, 2008
August 24, 2008: CVSCC Photo Scavenger Hunt & Cookout
12:30 Food & Games
1:30 Intro to the Hunt
1:45 The Hunt Begins
3:30 The Hunt Ends (Anybody arriving back early can have drinks & games)
CVSCC is again hosting a (digital) photo scavenger hunt on Sunday, August 24. This will be similar to the event from 2005, but this time there will also be a cookout and outdoor games before and after. This way there will be activities while the photos and points are tallied. Since this is a team challenge, it's a great event for your 'significant other' to come along.
Here's the link to photos, as well as the rules and item list from the 2005 event (2008 event will have a new list and modified rules):
A Photo Scavenger Hunt is a fun team-based scavenger hunt with an interesting twist — the goal is to bringing back digital photos of places and things on a list that will be provided. However, since this a car club activity cars will take more of a role in the hunt items and photos. You will have a fun time trying to capture as many of the items on the list with your camera within the time limit. Plus you get a ton of awesome photos that you, and other teams, took during the event.
July 10, 2008
The July general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, July 17th. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm)
Aaron Zevenbergen, our fabulous new Newsletter Editor, recently joined the Navy and they are asking him to ship out within the next month. As a result, he will need assistance handling future newsletters or perhaps may need to transfer duties to a new volunteer. Send email to newsletter -AT- to contact him directly. Sad to see you go Aaron, but we wish you good luck in your future Navy adventures!!!
If anybody is planning on attending the Kohler International Challenge with Brian Redman at Road America contact Nate (nate -AT- and perhaps we can arrange a group travel or activities at the track.
July 5, 2008
REPLY AND RSVP TO - julie.burkart -AT-
July 13 CVSCC Ride
Once we get to the Stone Barn we will meet up with the owners and Dave who has a couple of 924 Porsche. They will take and lead a ride in the hills and valleys arriving back at the Stone Barn then for Pizza's.
Please check out thier web site
We have been there and have enjoyed the ride there and the food is great.
So please reserve the day and join us for a nice afternoon ride and dine.
We will meet in the parking lot of Smith Country Inn on hwy 37 at 1:45 p.m. b and leave at 2:00. Sun. July 13, Cars, Motorcycles, Scooters any thing that goes.
See ya then.
Julie Burkart
It would be nice to get an approximate head count so If you could please let me know if you are thinking about going. Please invite anyone that you think might enjoy a new place to dine and a nice ride.
June 20, 2008
Links to result details, photo collections, videos, media articles, and more are now posted at the official event URL link!
June 19, 2008
Follow Dick Rally - A brisk Tour - Sunday June 29, 1:00 pm.
Meet at Mega Gas Station-Burger King at junction of North Crossing and I-94. Approximately 100 miles of Curvy Roads, ending back in the Eau Claire area for supper at a pleasant club. No charge, No Trophies, points for all.
This time, due to the popular demand and the price of gas, the route will be a little shorter and end at a pleasant dining spot near Eau Claire. The route will not have the great elevation changes and “Oh My God” dropoffs of previous runs but there are plenty of curvy roads. There will be rest and overlook stops. Come for a pleasant afternoon of sports car driving. Directions for the route will be provided in case you get separated. Although one is not required, bring a navigator to share the fun and keep track of the directions.
See you there, Dick Feeney
May 12, 2008
Thanks to Aaron, the new CVSCC Newsletter Editor, 'Behind The Wheel' newsletter is back!!! Get Vol 28 - Issue 01 - May, 2008 hot off the 'e-press' now!
May 09, 2008
The May 'CVSCC 2008 Kickoff/Open Invite' meeting will be at Action City ( near 93/94 in Eau Claire on Thursday May 15th. As usual, the meeting will be at 7pm and the board meeting at 6:30 for board members. However, this is a special meeting where you are asked to invite those you know who may be interested in joining the club. We will have business cards and flyers available, and can answer any questions about the club or upcoming events. In addition, there will be door prizes for both new and existing members (if anybody has anything from their home in NEW condition or business to donate, please respond to [email protected]).
For this meeting, anybody interested can purchase an Action City 'attrACTIONS' License good for 3 event cards for $11 (to account for card, tax, and meeting room fee). These cards allow you to use 3 activities (indoor karts, laser tag, climbing wall, bowling, bumpers; but not NOT outdoor karts or arcade games) for that evening. Since Action City closes at 9pm and the meeting is at 7, these cards will be available from Nate in our meeting rooms (TV studio & movie room near indoor karts in the back right of the building) starting at 6pm. That way you can get your fun in before and/or after the meeting. We will want to pre-purchase these so if you can commit to attending and purchasing a card, reply back ([email protected] or at forum thread) with a count of the cards you will buy and time of arrival. You 'may' be able to get in on this deal on arrival that evening, but if not you can always purchase points or cards on your own, although at an increased cost (example - individual kart races are usually $6).
Meeting topics - we want this to be a good introduction to the club for possible new members and will give overview of calendar and club, as well as answering any questions. There may not be much time for other things, but certainly we will want to discuss the upcoming autocross, picnic/meeting/show/ballgame, and Corvette club car show.
Again, please attend and invite others to this meeting. You can share the website with them and our 2008 calendar which John will also have printed copies at the meeting -
PARKING - It would be nice if all can park in the same area for group recognition and possibly gathering after the meeting, so park in the back SW corner of the parking lot as a group if you can. Maybe we could even arrange for a long overdue group photo as well.
May 09, 2008
Online pre-registration is now OPEN TO ALL!!! See additional details for the upcoming autocross on June 8th for more information. This is at the CVTC WEST campus lot used in June of 2007. Save $5 by registering in advance, save another $5 by becoming a CVSCC member (CVTC students/staff also receive discount).
May 07, 2008
Details have been posted for the upcoming autocross on June 8th. This is at the CVTC WEST campus lot used in June of 2007. See the link for more details, online pre-registration opens to all on May 9.
April 28, 2008
CVSCC member John Qualheim put together a very nice calendar flyer for the club which he is also getting printed for distribution around the area. If you have a place to post it, please pickup a copy or two at the next meeting. Also, please share this schedule and the club's website with fellow car enthusiasts.
April 7, 2008
The April general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at the back room of Godfather's Pizza (Clairemont & 37/85 in Eau Claire) on Thursday, April 17th. Connell's had larger groups already scheduled for this time/date, so we are trying out this new location (thanks to Scott & Julie for arranging). There is not a room charge or meal requirement, but please support the business by ordering a meal if you can to thank them for use of the room. There is not a buffet in the evening, but the salad bar should be available and you can order off the menu. Topics for discussion include MKA open house, May meeting (kickoff meeting / invite somebody new night), L'Cars tour, and other future events on the 2008 club calendar. In addition, possible changes to dues structure/amounts and future meeting location and frequency will be considered.
Oh, it's also election night...consider running for a position to keep the club alive. Thanks. Yearly club dues also are up for renewal, Tom (or another board member) will be available to collect payment and write up a membership card.
March 9, 2008
The initial set of photos and a video from the March 8, 2008 ProKart event and Twin Cities Auto Show are now posted. Additional images are expected soon...
The March general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, March 20th. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm)
March 8, 2008
F1 2008 Launch Party - Sunday March 16 (1pm-3pm)
Watch the first F1 race of 2008 (DVR delayed) from Australia, bring along a snack to share with the others and the (adult style) beverage of your choice if desired . Additional beverages (soda) and chips will be provided. Wear your F1 gear if you have it!!! This will be at Nate's house on the south side of Eau Claire, email [email protected] for directions and to reserve a seat.
March 3, 2008
In early February the CVSCC board members put together a draft 2008 calendar. At the February general meeting, members had a chance to provide input to the calendar, volunteer to head up an event, and indicate their interest in each event. This process will be repeated at the March meeting, afterwards the calendar will be finalized. Here is the link to the current DRAFT calendar.
If you were not at the Feb meeting and will not be able to make the March meeting, record your comments on CVSCC's forum at the ECSCC's forum site. In particular, note if you would be willing to head up an event that does not have an Event Master and list out those events you would be interested in attending. The related thread is here.
About ECSCC: The Eau Claire Sports Car Club is an informal 'club', mostly just the website discussion forum, where members can get together to talk about cars and future area events. Members can then show up at area events that interest them, they generally do not put on any events themselves. The site/club creators are college students new to the area (who also have since joined CVSCC) created a section of that forum site dedicated to CVSCC. CVSCC's previous attempt at having online forums did not have much response, so it was removed, but it's hoped that since this new forum from ECSCC is very active, that some of you will spend more time discussing the club in CVSCC's section there and maybe even participate in the other lively discussions on that site. We've also now added a permanent menu link from this website to CVSCC's forum within ECSCC's site. (NOTE - to make room we also removed the 'Classified' menu link due to minimal use, but if you wish to post anything for sale, use ECSCC's related forum to do so instead)..
February 27, 2008
Chippewa Valley Sports Car Club (CVSCC) is now offering FREE memberships to students, see details on the 'Join!' page where you can also use the new online membership form.
February 25, 2008
Minutes from the February meeting has been added to the newsletter page. The 2008 CVSCC calendar is making progress and is looking exciting...more details soon!
December 3, 2007
The reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( has been rescheduled for Saturday March 8th, 2008 from 11am to noon. This is also the first weekend of the Twin Cities Auto Show/, which you can optionally attend after the prokart event. If you are interested, reserve your spot with Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9am from the 94 & North Crossing/Hwy 12 McDonalds in Eau Claire (across from Menards HQ) for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am.
February 6, 2008
The February board meeting will start at 6:30pm, the general member at 7pm, both at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, February 21st. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm). Note - Per discussions and vote last year, board meetings will now occur the same night as the general meeting, but 30 minutes earlier.
Also, the board is working on an early draft of the 2008 CVSCC calendar. If you have any ideas, or especially if you are willing to host or lead an event, contact a board member to be sure it gets on the calendar.
December 19, 2007
Minutes from the October and November meetings have been added to the newsletter page. Also, the points page has been updated.
December 3, 2007
The reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( has been rescheduled for Saturday March 8th, 2008 from 11am to noon. This is also the first weekend of the Twin Cities Auto Show/, which you can optionally attend after the prokart event. If you are interested, reserve your spot with Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9am for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am. Non members are welcome, but we ask for a downpayment if possible. Prepayment is not required of CVSCC members.
November 30, 2007
CANCELLED - The planned trip to Burnsville Pro Kart ( on Sat, Dec 1 is cancelled due to the expected bad weather. We will reschedule for another Saturday in January, notify Bob ([email protected]) with any date preference. The new date/time will be sent via email once Bob is able to reschedule. Happy shoveling!!!
November 13, 2007
CONFIRMED - CVSCC will be making a trip for a reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( on Sat, Dec 1 at noon. If you are interested, notify Bob ([email protected]) to reserve a spot. The total cost of apx $654 will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9:45am for early arrival for registration, followed by track time at 12pm.
November 8, 2007
CVSCC Holiday Party & Meal (Nov 15th 6:30pm) - Advanced reservation/payment required for non current members
We confirmed with Connell’s II Restaurant that we have the large room reserved for November 15th at 6:30pm. We will again be having the family style meal (chicken & ham, potatoes w/ gravy, dressing, cooked vegetables, relish tray, rolls, & beverage) for $12 payable to the club.
As usual, the annual party will include a VERY short meeting, family style holiday meal, optional gift exchange and photos/video of the past year's events. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a gift valued at apx $10 wrapped, but without a name tag. Those who brought a gift will then be able to take home a gift, but like previous years we will have fun 'selecting' a gift where a selected gift can be 'stolen' up to 2 times (3rd holder is the final one). Contact Nate ([email protected]) for any questions.
October 30, 2007
CVSCC will be making a trip for a reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( on either Sat, Dec 1 or Sat, Dec 8. If you are interested, send your preferred date to Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 8:30am for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am. The final date should be decided by the Nov 15 member meeting and full details provided there. Non members are welcome, but we ask for a downpayment if possible.
October 30, 2007
The CVSCC board meeting will be at ACTION CITY at 7pm on Thursday (Nov 1). There will not be any large organized karting or activities, but that is a personal option if anybody is interested.
October 15, 2007
The CVSCC member meeting will be back to our usual location at Connell's II at the airport at 7pm on Thursday (Oct 18). Their new policy is that we must have at least 10 full entrees ordered in our reserved room (NOT the dining room) to avoid a room charge. We have made the reservation for 6:30 so you can arrive early and eat dinner, please do so if you are able (remember to eat in the reserved room).
In addition, minor corrections were made to the results from the 9/30 autocross.
Lastly, we are looking to arrange a trip to Pro Kart Indoors late this fall. Contact Bob if you are insterested to help select a date.
October 3, 2007
Minutes from the September meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
October 3, 2007
The results from the Sept 30 autocross are now posted, as well as some photo links. CVSCC's collection of photos from this event will be posted in just a few days. There were 80 entries and was one of our most successful events to date, even in the rain. Thanks to all who ran, and especially to all those that helped. T-shirts will be sent to all 'trophy' winners and there should be some also available for purchase. Much thanks to Elite Audio in Altoona/Eau Claire for sponsoring the costs for them!!!
September 30, 2007
The results from the Sept 30 autocross are under final review/class bumping and will be posted here once they are made available to CVSCC from the MAC timing crew.
September 30, 2007
The CVSCC board meeting will be at ACTION CITY at 7pm on WEDNESDAY (Oct 3). This change of time/place is so that all members interested can attend for $20 unlimited karts (or other activities) until 9pm. We'll try to make the board meeting as short as possible!
September 25, 2007
Don't forget to signup in advance for the CVSCC/CVTC autocross on Sept 30th to save $5 and reserve your spot!!! If there are spots available, you may register the day of the event. Current advanced registration count is 55 and climbing fast...more information and link to signup here. The CVTC auto clubs will also be running a food stand ON LOCATION for your convenience.
September 25, 2007
Help with a fund raiser for the Medford Wisconsin Youth Hockey Organization and get a chance of a Lifetime to win a 2006 Ford GT. Link to more information (no affiliation with CVSCC).
September 17, 2007
The September general member meeting (Thursday, Sept 20 at 7pm) will NOT be at the airport, but will be held at CVTC's Health Education Center in room 118. The Health Center is on the south side of Clairmont near the CVTC footbridge, but see the CVTC maps for details and directions: city map with Health Center identified and to find the room in the Health Center see the Health Center building map.
September 17, 2007
Dick is hosting a 'Follow Dick' cruise on Sunday, Sept 23rd. The group will be leaving from Burger King on Golf Road in Eau Claire at 1pm (arrive 5-10 min ahead of time and be even earlier if you wish to eat lunch there). Dick will then lead the group on a spirited cruise on good roads to enjoy the drive and fall scenery, stopping at Hansen's Holdup near Arcadia for dinner, before driving back to Eau Claire. This is a non competative cruise, so no trophies are to be awarded and there is no cost to attend.
September 1, 2007
Minutes from the August meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
August 27, 2007
Online registration for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC MAIN CAMPUS is now open for all CVSCC members and CVTC students/staff. Register now at Registration for all others opens on Sept 1st...
August 16, 2007
Minutes from the July meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
August 14, 2007
Reminder of the August CVSCC member meeting on Thursday, August 16, at Connell's II (at airport). The meeting starts at 7pm and dinner will be available for you to order off the menu during the meeting or ahead of time if you choose. However, please be aware we are only able to use their meeting rooms for no charge if enough people eat, so please consider eating your meal here if you can.
Lastly, for those of you that typically eat before the meeting in the primary dining room, you'll now need to eat in the reserved room or it won't count towards our minimum number to get the room for no charge. So if you arrive early to eat, be sure to let them know you are with CVSCC and eat in the room they have reserved for us.
August 1, 2007
If anybody is planning on attending the Champ Car race at Road America on August 12, contact Nate for possible caravan or meetup there. Generac Grand Prix (Elkhart Lake) - Official Site
July 9, 2007
Details have been posted for the upcoming autocross on Sept 30th. This is at the large (apx 700x500) main lot on Clairemont near the footbridge. See the link for more details, registration opens Aug 27 for CVSCC/CVTC, all others Sept 1.
Also, don't forget about the meeting at our usual time/place - 7pm July 19th at Connell's II.
June 26, 2007
Just a reminder that this month's meeting and picnic is tonight at Carson Park. There is a chance of rain, but hopefully it won't happen at the park or will at least be short lived. Either way, we will go ahead with the plans for this evening. If anybody happens to have tent they can bring in case of rain that would be nice, but definately bring your umbrella just in case we do get some rain. If you have any questions contact Luke on his mobile number: 715-559-4018
Our annual picnic and June meeting will be on Tuesday June 26th at Carson park. Luke will arrive at 5pm to start grilling, but arrive when you are able. We will have a brief meeting and picnic/car show followed by an Eau Claire Cavaliers' ballgame at 7:30. CVSCC will provide brats/burgers and all dinnerware and condiments. Please signup with Luke ahead of time and bring a dish to pass, non alcoholic beverage, and chair to sit upon.
June 10, 2007
63 drivers attended today's autocross at CVTC West Campus, thanks to all that participated, especially those that helped make this event a success! Final results are now posted on the event page - here, a small initial set of photos have also been posted in the photo gallery, with more to be posted as they become available over the next few days.
June 5, 2007
Our club took 1st place for participation at the Chippewa Valley Corvette Club's show held June 2nd. We received $250 to our club funds for your efforts, thanks to all that brought their vehicles!!!
The CVSCC discussion forums have been revived, sort of...There is a new web forum that just started which is dedicated to Chippewa Valley sports car owners. Register and try it out at This is not directly managed or affiliated with CVSCC, but it could prove to be a useful resource for members.
May 18, 2007
Dick will host a 'Drive with Dick' on June 3rd to the Mississippi river for a dinner and back to Eau Claire. This will be a spirited cruise that has no placements or prizes, but no cost either. They will depart at 1pm on June 3rd from Smith's Country Inn on Hwy 37 outside of Eau Claire.
Our annual picnic and June meeting will be on Tuesday June 26th at Carson park. Luke will arrive at 5pm to start grilling, but arrive when you are able. We will have a brief meeting and picnic/car show followed by an Eau Claire Cavaliers' ballgame at 7:30. CVSCC will provide brats/burgers and all dinnerware and condiments. Please signup with Luke ahead of time and bring a dish to pass, non alcoholic beverage, and chair to sit upon. Rain date is June 28.
May 17, 2007
REMINDER - General member meeting is TONIGHT (Thursday, May 17) at 7pm at Connell's II (Chippewa Valley Airport). Also, there are still 2 board positions available: Newsletter & Vice President, please consider filling this void! Lastly, registration is NOW OPEN for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC on June 10, 2007. Full details and link to registration can be found here
In addition, the CVSCC and area calendars have been updated on the calendar page.
May 11, 2007
Registration is NOW OPEN for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC on June 10, 2007. Full details and link to registration can be found here
April 17, 2007
REMINDER - General member meeting & ELECTIONS: 7pm, April 19th at Connell's II. Please consider volunteering for a board position.
April 15, 2007
Autocross season is here! View the calendar for links to all area event listings (including MetCouncil), but CVSCC's first autocross will be held at CVTC West Campus on June 10, 2007!!!
March 13, 2007
Changes are being made to the details of the Pro Kart outing and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show on Saturday, March 17th. Due to a lack of confirmed attendees to meet the minium requirement, we will no longer be having a private karting session at 11am, but those interested are still free to head over for an arrive and drive session (see Pro Kart Indoor's website for pricing). Final details, including race time, possible car pooling and caravan preparations, will be finalized at the club meeting on March 15th at 7pm Connells II.
March 5, 2007
The Pro Kart outing and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show will be on Saturday, March 17th. The karting event will be a private session for the club at the Burnsville, MN Pro Kart location from 11am to noon. For those interested, this is also the last weekend of the auto show which is located at the Downtown Minneapolis & Convention Center. Since there are a limited number of seats available (20) we need to know how many people are planning on driving. The number of drivers also determines the cost per person (track rental of approx $650 divided by the number of drivers). This is open to non-club members so feel free to invite friends and relatives who would like to race with us. We will meet at McDonalds on Hwy. 12 and leave from there at 9:00am. To reserve your seats, or for more information, contact Bob Druschel at 552-0266.
For the curious, here are past photos from the 11-04-2006, 03-11-2006, and 03-20-2004 Pro Kart events
February 14, 2007
Bob is again organizing a Pro Kart outing ( and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show ( on Saturday, March 17th. The karting event will be a private session for the club at the Burnsville, MN Pro Kart location and the auto show is located at the Downtown Minneapolis & Convention Center. More details on time and caravan will be provided as they are determined. Contact Bob for more information.
January 22, 2007
CVSCC meetings start again in February, the first board meeting of 2007 will be on Feb 1st and the Feb 15 for the general member meeting. Both will be held at Connell's II at 7pm.
January 14, 2007
Visit the new 'trial' CVSCC store to buy CVSCC merchandise! If there is interest, more items will be provided. All items are sold at cost.
December 18, 2006
The calendar page has been updated to include a preliminary CVSCC 2007 schedule, with more dates to be added after meetings in Feb/March 2007. Here are the printable PDF formatted calendars in both list and monthly grid formats, or just view them online NOW (CVSCC, Met Council Autocross Series, & other area auto events).
Also, CVSCC will be switching to the iCal format for sharing calendars in 2007. This means you can have your computer's calendar automatically updated with CVSCC and many other area auto events when using a supported 'ics' program (iCal, Sunbird, Google calendar, etc). You can even subscribe to many other calendars to get dates for Met Council events, F1, TV shows, Packer games, etc. Details on the calendar page.
November 17, 2006
Happy Holidays!!! CVSCC does not meet in December or January, but will resume on Feb 1st with the board meeting and Feb 15 for the general member meeting.
November 6, 2006
Photos from the Nov 4 Pro Kart event are now posted in the photo section where 11 drivers took to the track. Thanks to Steve Johnson for the photos.
November 5, 2006
CVSCC Holiday Party & Meal (Nov 16th 7pm) - Advanced reservation required by Nov 10th. We confirmed with Connell’s II Restaurant that we have a room reserved for November 16th at 7pm, with preference for the large room. However, to have the family style meal we must have 25 persons so please reply back ASAP (by the 10th) if you plan to attend and have not yet signed up. As usual, the annual party will include a VERY short meeting, family style holiday meal, optional gift exchange and photos/video of the past year's events. The meal will include: chicken & ham, potatoes w/ gravy, dressing, cooked vegtables, relish tray, rolls, coffee & water for $10.50 (including tax & tip, but other drinks are extra). If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a gift valued at apx $10 wrapped, but without a name tag. Those who brought a gift will then be able to take home a gift, but like previous years we will have fun 'selecting' a gift. Contact Nate for any questions.
October 25, 2006
Electric Karts & Board Meeting (Nov 2nd) - The CVSCC board meets the first Thursday of every month at 7pm, but this month we will meet at Action City in the dining area at the usual 7pm time and try to be done in 30 minutes. Anybody member interested is welcome to join the board at 7pm for this brief meeting. Then, at 7:30 join us for 3 electric kart races for just $10.54 per person ($9.99 + tax). Usually the kart races are $6 each at 'go speed' so this is a really good deal. We will be buying multiple access cards in bulk at 7:30 so please arrive at this time to be sure you can get in on the discount. These cards are intended for use with go karts, but Action City has many other activities available as well. Because this is not a private session we will simply run 3 races back to back, possibly with other members of the public, but Thursday evenings are fairly quiet. These karts they are electric powered and capable of 20-25 mph on a road race style track & no helmet or equipment required. NOTE - we are also looking into having a reserved private session at this location and we will be informed about a future karting league effort they will be starting in conjunction with the opening of their outdoor banked oval course with new gas powered karts, along with their existing karts/track.
Action City Website -
October 17, 2006
Results are now posted from the 'CVTC Grand Prix at the Bridge' (aka CVSCC's autocross on Oct 8th, 2006) - links here
October 14, 2006
Even more photos from the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8 are now posted here starting on page 10, thanks to Steve Johnson.
October 10, 2006
The first round of photos from the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8 are now posted here, but we expect a number more to roll in over the next week or two.
October 7, 2006
Online registration is now closed for the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8, but there is still room for onsite registration! Details here
October 5, 2006
Pro Kart Burnsville is now scheduled for Saturday, November 4th, contact Bob Druschel to signup. Details below
October 3, 2006
Bob has agreed to reserve a Pro Kart session in Burnsville, MN for those interested on the morning of Saturday, November 4th (RESCHEDULED). However, to be sure the price is reasonable ($30-$40 each for 1 hour split session), he needs as many of you as possible to let him know immediately if you will be attending. Our time is from 11-12, with registration at 10:30, we will depart from Eau Claire at 8:30 from the 94 & North Crossing/Hwy 12 McDonalds. The usual format is to split into 2 groups of qualifying sessions, with the results forming the final 2 groups for the actual race event. These karts can reach speeds of 40-50 mph on a road race style track and helmets are required, but are provided.
Pro Kart Indoor Website -
October 2, 2006
The CVSCC board meeting (and autocross planning) will be held at Coffee Traders International on October 5th.
The general member meeting will be held as usual at Connell’s II Restaurant at Chippewa Valley Regional Airport on October 19th.
September 26, 2006
The fall color tour to Tenba Ridge Winery for picnic & wine tasting is set for October 7th! Details here
September 01, 2006
Wheels & Wings (view flyer), will be held on Sept 9th in Osceola. This is a HUGE car show (photos from last year) and great book sale. Ron Bohl will be leaving from Eau Claire at about 6:15am, anybody interested in traveling along should meet him BEFORE this time as the group will leave promptly from the McDonald's near Menard's Old Mill center. If you wish to drive separate, here is a Google Map of the area.
August 18, 2006
TONS more photos from the autocross at Mason Shoe, courtesy of Steve Johnson, are now posted in the 'Shoebring 2006' gallery. The new photos start on page 14
August 17, 2006
Online registration opens soon for the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College (Sept 1 for CVSCC members and CVTC students/staff, Sept 8 for all others). Details here
August 16, 2006
The 'Driving photo scavenger hunt' for Aug 19 has been cancelled due to conflicts with a number of the planned participants. It may be rescheduled for a future date...
July 25, 2006
The CVSCC board meeting will be held at Coffee Traders International on August 3rd.
The general member meeting will be held at Connell’s II Restaurant at Chippewa Valley Regional Airport on August 17th.
July 24, 2006
Initial photos from 'Shoebring 2006' are now posted. We hope to have the final results posted (or linked) soon as well as additional photos. If you have photos to contribute, please contact [email protected].
Results are also now posted on the Met Council website. Results are available under the 'Event #4, July 23' entry by class, PAX ranking and raw time. July 16, 2006
Just a reminder about the July meeting - this Thursday 7:00 pm at Connell's at the Airport. The autocross at Mason Shoe is next Sunday, the 23rd, so it will be a major topic of discussion. We will need people to help with tech and on site registration (we currently have about 40 people pre-registered).
June 18, 2006
Online registration opens soon for the autocross at Mason Shoe (CVSCC members on June 20th, all others on June 27th). Details here
June 13, 2006
The Sports Car Club of La Crosse is considering having another Solo 2 (Autocross) school, contact Dan Hampton if you are interested. Below is the email received:
The Sports Car of La Crosse is, again, exploring the idea of conducting a Washburn Solo 2 School this September on either the 9th or 10th. of the month. Unlike the past, this will be an ALL day school. The location will be the track in Winona at SE Technical College. We will be limiting the class to 10-12 participants and the cost would be $100.00 for the full day.
The instruction is aimed at people of all experience levels. Typically, in the past, we have had a 50/50 mix of novice and experienced drivers. The instruction will be tailored to your tenure as a Solo 2 driver. The instruction will focus on slalom execution, line control, threshold braking, developing acceleration zones, etc.
The lead instructor, Pat Washburn, is a Nationally ranked Solo 2 driver, whose experience spans 20 yrs. of Regional and National Competition. This will be the fourth school that Pat has instructed for SCCLAC. Most of our "grads" have found the instruction to be excellent and most feel that it accelerated their learning curve by at least one year.
Again, this is simply a request by SCCLAC to determine an indication of interest by our Solo 2 participants. Please let me know if you have such an interest.
June 11, 2006
Photos from Doug's Memorial Rally are now posted. Dick should have the results available at the next meeting on June 15.
June 06, 2006
Seven CVSCC members registered their cars at the Corvette Club's car show, allowing CVSCC to take 2nd place in the most cars registered and a prize of $100. Tom Rust took 1st place in class J, while Bob took 2nd. Also showing were Mary/Ron, Al, Dick, Nate and Zach. There is a picture of class J (sports cars/imports) in the CVSCC Photos that has 5 of the 7 cars that registered, Dick is off camera and Zach came later in the day.
June 02, 2006
NOTICE: June's General Member Meeting (June 15th) will be held at Bergstrom Saturn / Hummer of Eau Claire, 3525 Hwy 93 from 6-8pm, with a brief meeting at 7pm. This will also be our annual picnic with CVSCC providing meat (burgers, brats, hot dogs), buns, napkins, dinnerware and condiments. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass, their own beverage (non-alcoholic as courtesy) and optional lawn chair for seating. Thanks to Saturn and salesman Doug Skapyak (who brought that awesome Saturn Sky to our last meeting) who will be providing the grill, location and tour of the facilities. Lastly, thanks to Luke Howard for planning the event again! FYI - This change was prompted as a result of Saw Dust City Days parking restrictions which conflicted with the Cav's game and our previous location at Carson Park.
Also, a reminder that Doug Christensen's Memorial Rally is rescheduled for June 11th with registration at 12pm at Smith's Country Inn on Hwy 37. See the flyer for details.
Lastly, the schedule for the Burger King car shows is listed in the Calendar section of the website.
June 01, 2006
Do you have what it takes to win the Dunlop cup? Any CVSCC members want to apply?
May 31, 2006
As we have a vacant newsletter position, there will no longer be any monthly newsletters, but occasional news items will be sent via email and posted on this CVSCC website instead.
May 13, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - May, 2006: (Click Here)
May 1, 2006
NOTICE: May's General Member Meeting (May 18th) will be held at Elite Audio, 2135 South Hastings Way – Across from Taco Bell at the usual 7pm time.
May 1, 2006
NOTICE: May's Board Member Meeting (May 4th) will be held at Coffee Traders International, 2230 Eastridge Center – Next to Mega Pick n Save East at the usual 7pm time.
April 15, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - April, 2006: (Click Here)
April 13, 2006
The April general member meeting (April 20th) will again be held at Connell's II at the airport. Final nominations and elections will be held, so please pay your dues before the meeting. The meeting starts at 7pm, but please arrive at 6:30 in our meeting room to join us for dinner (order on your own off the menu). UPDATE - Following the meeting, Dick may show a video if time allows. We also should have a Saturn Sky showing at this meeting.
March 12, 2006
The March 11 trip to Pro Kart in Maple Grove was a fun event with 14 participants, followed by lunch and then a few members took in the Twin Cities auto show, photos available.
Also, we've added past newsletters from Volume 21 (2001 - 2002) and Volume 22 (2002 - 2003) to the website.
March 8, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - March, 2006: (Click Here)
March 3, 2006
For the March 11 Maple Grove Pro Kart & Minneapolis Auto Show event: we should now have enough drivers for the Pro Kart event, but spaces are still available, contact Bob for details at 552-0266. If you plan to drive with the group or possibly car pool, we will leave from McDonalds on 12/124/94 near Menards HQ at 8:30am. For those meeting us at one of the destinations, let Bob know your plans and then be at Pro Kart Maple Grove by 10:30am for signin or contact Bob for meeting location for the auto show.
Related Links:
Twin Cities Auto Show
Pro Kart Indoor
Feb 20, 2006
Watch this area & email (for CVSCC members) for information about the March 11 Maple Grove Pro Kart & Minneapolis Auto Show event or contact Bob for details at 552-0266. There will also be a discussion about the car pool & lunch details at the March 2 board meeting at 7pm at Connell's 2 (non board members welcome).
Related Links:
Twin Cities Auto Show
Pro Kart Indoor
Feb 19, 2006
Welcome to the new CVSCC Website! In this area, you will find any latest news about the club.
October 16, 2009
Viewing of the Brazilian GP, Oct. 18 at The Maple Lounge near Hwy 12/53 in Eau Claire. The meeting room has been reserved. Preview Show - 10am Race - 10:30am, food and refreshments provided by the Club.
Guests are welcome!
Join us for a road tour (cruise) on Sunday before the GP viewing. Meet at The Maple lounge at 8:30 am.
September 14, 2009
Results are in from the September 13th CVTC West Autocross - By class and By Pax (SI class not converted to Pax - value of 1).
TV 13 News Footage
TV 18 News Footage
July 21, 2009
Fri Jul 24th, 2009 CVSCC 2009 Novice Autocross School - REGISTER NOW!
July 1, 2009
Results from the June 28 autocross are available here (photos coming soon)
June 1, 2009
Registration for the CVSCC/CVTC autocross on June 28 is NOW OPEN! Information and link to registration here
March 17, 2009
The first meeting of 2009 will be Thursday, March 19th at 7pm (Dooley's Pub).
February 2, 2009
The first meeting of 2009 will be Thursday, Feb 19th at 7pm (Connell's II). Also, the calendar is being updated with more events and details being added as they become available.
October 30, 2008
Greetings race fans,
Just a note to remind you about this weekends Brazilian GP. Once again the championship will be decided at the last race of the season, and once again we are hosting a little get-together at our house for anyone who would like to watch the race live and cheer on their favorite team or driver. The Acura Pre-race show starts at 10:30 and the race at 11:00 on Sunday Nov 2. Concessions will be available. Just let me know if you plan on attending. Our address is 1718 Main St., phone #836-0145.
Bye for now,
October 10, 2008
Dick Feeney's famous 'Lock To Lock' (50th anniversary) rally will be held on October 12. Departing from Godfather's Pizza on Clairemont/London roads in Eau Claire at 1pm. For full details see page 2 of the most recent CVSCC newsletter or for a quick view here's a snapshot of that page.
October 3, 2008
While already sent via email in timely fashion by our newsletter editor Aaron, the last newsletter (September 2008) is also now available for online viewing on this CVSCC website under 'Newsletter'. NOTE - If you would have provided an email address you would have already enjoyed this fine newsletter!!!
September 28, 2008
Results and the first set of photos are now posted from today's autocross at CVTC. Thanks to all who entered and helped with a special thanks to those who did not run and just helped or took control in helping out with key positions in planning and running the event! An extra special thanks to CVTC, CVTC Auto Tech/Body studunts & clubs, CVTC Dental Club, and MN Autox Club!!! We'll see you next year.
September 3, 2008
While already sent via email in timely fashion by our newsletter editor Aaron, the last 3 newsletters (June, July, August) are also now available for online viewing on this CVSCC website under 'Newsletter'
August 24, 2008
Online registration is now open for the Sept 28th autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College. Details here
August 22, 2008
August 24, 2008: CVSCC Photo Scavenger Hunt & Cookout
12:30 Food & Games
1:30 Intro to the Hunt
1:45 The Hunt Begins
3:30 The Hunt Ends (Anybody arriving back early can have drinks & games)
CVSCC is again hosting a (digital) photo scavenger hunt on Sunday, August 24. This will be similar to the event from 2005, but this time there will also be a cookout and outdoor games before and after. This way there will be activities while the photos and points are tallied. Since this is a team challenge, it's a great event for your 'significant other' to come along.
Here's the link to photos, as well as the rules and item list from the 2005 event (2008 event will have a new list and modified rules):
A Photo Scavenger Hunt is a fun team-based scavenger hunt with an interesting twist — the goal is to bringing back digital photos of places and things on a list that will be provided. However, since this a car club activity cars will take more of a role in the hunt items and photos. You will have a fun time trying to capture as many of the items on the list with your camera within the time limit. Plus you get a ton of awesome photos that you, and other teams, took during the event.
July 10, 2008
The July general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, July 17th. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm)
Aaron Zevenbergen, our fabulous new Newsletter Editor, recently joined the Navy and they are asking him to ship out within the next month. As a result, he will need assistance handling future newsletters or perhaps may need to transfer duties to a new volunteer. Send email to newsletter -AT- to contact him directly. Sad to see you go Aaron, but we wish you good luck in your future Navy adventures!!!
If anybody is planning on attending the Kohler International Challenge with Brian Redman at Road America contact Nate (nate -AT- and perhaps we can arrange a group travel or activities at the track.
July 5, 2008
REPLY AND RSVP TO - julie.burkart -AT-
July 13 CVSCC Ride
Once we get to the Stone Barn we will meet up with the owners and Dave who has a couple of 924 Porsche. They will take and lead a ride in the hills and valleys arriving back at the Stone Barn then for Pizza's.
Please check out thier web site
We have been there and have enjoyed the ride there and the food is great.
So please reserve the day and join us for a nice afternoon ride and dine.
We will meet in the parking lot of Smith Country Inn on hwy 37 at 1:45 p.m. b and leave at 2:00. Sun. July 13, Cars, Motorcycles, Scooters any thing that goes.
See ya then.
Julie Burkart
It would be nice to get an approximate head count so If you could please let me know if you are thinking about going. Please invite anyone that you think might enjoy a new place to dine and a nice ride.
June 20, 2008
Links to result details, photo collections, videos, media articles, and more are now posted at the official event URL link!
June 19, 2008
Follow Dick Rally - A brisk Tour - Sunday June 29, 1:00 pm.
Meet at Mega Gas Station-Burger King at junction of North Crossing and I-94. Approximately 100 miles of Curvy Roads, ending back in the Eau Claire area for supper at a pleasant club. No charge, No Trophies, points for all.
This time, due to the popular demand and the price of gas, the route will be a little shorter and end at a pleasant dining spot near Eau Claire. The route will not have the great elevation changes and “Oh My God” dropoffs of previous runs but there are plenty of curvy roads. There will be rest and overlook stops. Come for a pleasant afternoon of sports car driving. Directions for the route will be provided in case you get separated. Although one is not required, bring a navigator to share the fun and keep track of the directions.
See you there, Dick Feeney
May 12, 2008
Thanks to Aaron, the new CVSCC Newsletter Editor, 'Behind The Wheel' newsletter is back!!! Get Vol 28 - Issue 01 - May, 2008 hot off the 'e-press' now!
May 09, 2008
The May 'CVSCC 2008 Kickoff/Open Invite' meeting will be at Action City ( near 93/94 in Eau Claire on Thursday May 15th. As usual, the meeting will be at 7pm and the board meeting at 6:30 for board members. However, this is a special meeting where you are asked to invite those you know who may be interested in joining the club. We will have business cards and flyers available, and can answer any questions about the club or upcoming events. In addition, there will be door prizes for both new and existing members (if anybody has anything from their home in NEW condition or business to donate, please respond to [email protected]).
For this meeting, anybody interested can purchase an Action City 'attrACTIONS' License good for 3 event cards for $11 (to account for card, tax, and meeting room fee). These cards allow you to use 3 activities (indoor karts, laser tag, climbing wall, bowling, bumpers; but not NOT outdoor karts or arcade games) for that evening. Since Action City closes at 9pm and the meeting is at 7, these cards will be available from Nate in our meeting rooms (TV studio & movie room near indoor karts in the back right of the building) starting at 6pm. That way you can get your fun in before and/or after the meeting. We will want to pre-purchase these so if you can commit to attending and purchasing a card, reply back ([email protected] or at forum thread) with a count of the cards you will buy and time of arrival. You 'may' be able to get in on this deal on arrival that evening, but if not you can always purchase points or cards on your own, although at an increased cost (example - individual kart races are usually $6).
Meeting topics - we want this to be a good introduction to the club for possible new members and will give overview of calendar and club, as well as answering any questions. There may not be much time for other things, but certainly we will want to discuss the upcoming autocross, picnic/meeting/show/ballgame, and Corvette club car show.
Again, please attend and invite others to this meeting. You can share the website with them and our 2008 calendar which John will also have printed copies at the meeting -
PARKING - It would be nice if all can park in the same area for group recognition and possibly gathering after the meeting, so park in the back SW corner of the parking lot as a group if you can. Maybe we could even arrange for a long overdue group photo as well.
May 09, 2008
Online pre-registration is now OPEN TO ALL!!! See additional details for the upcoming autocross on June 8th for more information. This is at the CVTC WEST campus lot used in June of 2007. Save $5 by registering in advance, save another $5 by becoming a CVSCC member (CVTC students/staff also receive discount).
May 07, 2008
Details have been posted for the upcoming autocross on June 8th. This is at the CVTC WEST campus lot used in June of 2007. See the link for more details, online pre-registration opens to all on May 9.
April 28, 2008
CVSCC member John Qualheim put together a very nice calendar flyer for the club which he is also getting printed for distribution around the area. If you have a place to post it, please pickup a copy or two at the next meeting. Also, please share this schedule and the club's website with fellow car enthusiasts.
April 7, 2008
The April general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at the back room of Godfather's Pizza (Clairemont & 37/85 in Eau Claire) on Thursday, April 17th. Connell's had larger groups already scheduled for this time/date, so we are trying out this new location (thanks to Scott & Julie for arranging). There is not a room charge or meal requirement, but please support the business by ordering a meal if you can to thank them for use of the room. There is not a buffet in the evening, but the salad bar should be available and you can order off the menu. Topics for discussion include MKA open house, May meeting (kickoff meeting / invite somebody new night), L'Cars tour, and other future events on the 2008 club calendar. In addition, possible changes to dues structure/amounts and future meeting location and frequency will be considered.
Oh, it's also election night...consider running for a position to keep the club alive. Thanks. Yearly club dues also are up for renewal, Tom (or another board member) will be available to collect payment and write up a membership card.
March 9, 2008
The initial set of photos and a video from the March 8, 2008 ProKart event and Twin Cities Auto Show are now posted. Additional images are expected soon...
The March general member meeting will start at 7pm, board starts at 6:30, at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, March 20th. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm)
March 8, 2008
F1 2008 Launch Party - Sunday March 16 (1pm-3pm)
Watch the first F1 race of 2008 (DVR delayed) from Australia, bring along a snack to share with the others and the (adult style) beverage of your choice if desired . Additional beverages (soda) and chips will be provided. Wear your F1 gear if you have it!!! This will be at Nate's house on the south side of Eau Claire, email [email protected] for directions and to reserve a seat.
March 3, 2008
In early February the CVSCC board members put together a draft 2008 calendar. At the February general meeting, members had a chance to provide input to the calendar, volunteer to head up an event, and indicate their interest in each event. This process will be repeated at the March meeting, afterwards the calendar will be finalized. Here is the link to the current DRAFT calendar.
If you were not at the Feb meeting and will not be able to make the March meeting, record your comments on CVSCC's forum at the ECSCC's forum site. In particular, note if you would be willing to head up an event that does not have an Event Master and list out those events you would be interested in attending. The related thread is here.
About ECSCC: The Eau Claire Sports Car Club is an informal 'club', mostly just the website discussion forum, where members can get together to talk about cars and future area events. Members can then show up at area events that interest them, they generally do not put on any events themselves. The site/club creators are college students new to the area (who also have since joined CVSCC) created a section of that forum site dedicated to CVSCC. CVSCC's previous attempt at having online forums did not have much response, so it was removed, but it's hoped that since this new forum from ECSCC is very active, that some of you will spend more time discussing the club in CVSCC's section there and maybe even participate in the other lively discussions on that site. We've also now added a permanent menu link from this website to CVSCC's forum within ECSCC's site. (NOTE - to make room we also removed the 'Classified' menu link due to minimal use, but if you wish to post anything for sale, use ECSCC's related forum to do so instead)..
February 27, 2008
Chippewa Valley Sports Car Club (CVSCC) is now offering FREE memberships to students, see details on the 'Join!' page where you can also use the new online membership form.
February 25, 2008
Minutes from the February meeting has been added to the newsletter page. The 2008 CVSCC calendar is making progress and is looking exciting...more details soon!
December 3, 2007
The reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( has been rescheduled for Saturday March 8th, 2008 from 11am to noon. This is also the first weekend of the Twin Cities Auto Show/, which you can optionally attend after the prokart event. If you are interested, reserve your spot with Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9am from the 94 & North Crossing/Hwy 12 McDonalds in Eau Claire (across from Menards HQ) for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am.
February 6, 2008
The February board meeting will start at 6:30pm, the general member at 7pm, both at Connell's II (at Chippewa Valley Airport in Eau Claire) on Thursday, February 21st. Connell's still requires us to have at least 10 people order meals from the menu to avoid paying a meeting room fee, so if you can, please come hungry and ready to order by 7pm (if you come early please feel free to enter the room, but do not disturb the board members during their meeting). The general meeting will then begin after all orders have been taken (shortly after 7pm). Note - Per discussions and vote last year, board meetings will now occur the same night as the general meeting, but 30 minutes earlier.
Also, the board is working on an early draft of the 2008 CVSCC calendar. If you have any ideas, or especially if you are willing to host or lead an event, contact a board member to be sure it gets on the calendar.
December 19, 2007
Minutes from the October and November meetings have been added to the newsletter page. Also, the points page has been updated.
December 3, 2007
The reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( has been rescheduled for Saturday March 8th, 2008 from 11am to noon. This is also the first weekend of the Twin Cities Auto Show/, which you can optionally attend after the prokart event. If you are interested, reserve your spot with Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9am for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am. Non members are welcome, but we ask for a downpayment if possible. Prepayment is not required of CVSCC members.
November 30, 2007
CANCELLED - The planned trip to Burnsville Pro Kart ( on Sat, Dec 1 is cancelled due to the expected bad weather. We will reschedule for another Saturday in January, notify Bob ([email protected]) with any date preference. The new date/time will be sent via email once Bob is able to reschedule. Happy shoveling!!!
November 13, 2007
CONFIRMED - CVSCC will be making a trip for a reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( on Sat, Dec 1 at noon. If you are interested, notify Bob ([email protected]) to reserve a spot. The total cost of apx $654 will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 9:45am for early arrival for registration, followed by track time at 12pm.
November 8, 2007
CVSCC Holiday Party & Meal (Nov 15th 6:30pm) - Advanced reservation/payment required for non current members
We confirmed with Connell’s II Restaurant that we have the large room reserved for November 15th at 6:30pm. We will again be having the family style meal (chicken & ham, potatoes w/ gravy, dressing, cooked vegetables, relish tray, rolls, & beverage) for $12 payable to the club.
As usual, the annual party will include a VERY short meeting, family style holiday meal, optional gift exchange and photos/video of the past year's events. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a gift valued at apx $10 wrapped, but without a name tag. Those who brought a gift will then be able to take home a gift, but like previous years we will have fun 'selecting' a gift where a selected gift can be 'stolen' up to 2 times (3rd holder is the final one). Contact Nate ([email protected]) for any questions.
October 30, 2007
CVSCC will be making a trip for a reserved session of prokart at the Burnsville Pro Kart ( on either Sat, Dec 1 or Sat, Dec 8. If you are interested, send your preferred date to Bob ([email protected]). The total cost will be divided by the number of drivers (apx $30-$60 depending on turnout). We plan to leave Eau Claire around 8:30am for early arrival for registration followed by track time at 11am. The final date should be decided by the Nov 15 member meeting and full details provided there. Non members are welcome, but we ask for a downpayment if possible.
October 30, 2007
The CVSCC board meeting will be at ACTION CITY at 7pm on Thursday (Nov 1). There will not be any large organized karting or activities, but that is a personal option if anybody is interested.
October 15, 2007
The CVSCC member meeting will be back to our usual location at Connell's II at the airport at 7pm on Thursday (Oct 18). Their new policy is that we must have at least 10 full entrees ordered in our reserved room (NOT the dining room) to avoid a room charge. We have made the reservation for 6:30 so you can arrive early and eat dinner, please do so if you are able (remember to eat in the reserved room).
In addition, minor corrections were made to the results from the 9/30 autocross.
Lastly, we are looking to arrange a trip to Pro Kart Indoors late this fall. Contact Bob if you are insterested to help select a date.
October 3, 2007
Minutes from the September meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
October 3, 2007
The results from the Sept 30 autocross are now posted, as well as some photo links. CVSCC's collection of photos from this event will be posted in just a few days. There were 80 entries and was one of our most successful events to date, even in the rain. Thanks to all who ran, and especially to all those that helped. T-shirts will be sent to all 'trophy' winners and there should be some also available for purchase. Much thanks to Elite Audio in Altoona/Eau Claire for sponsoring the costs for them!!!
September 30, 2007
The results from the Sept 30 autocross are under final review/class bumping and will be posted here once they are made available to CVSCC from the MAC timing crew.
September 30, 2007
The CVSCC board meeting will be at ACTION CITY at 7pm on WEDNESDAY (Oct 3). This change of time/place is so that all members interested can attend for $20 unlimited karts (or other activities) until 9pm. We'll try to make the board meeting as short as possible!
September 25, 2007
Don't forget to signup in advance for the CVSCC/CVTC autocross on Sept 30th to save $5 and reserve your spot!!! If there are spots available, you may register the day of the event. Current advanced registration count is 55 and climbing fast...more information and link to signup here. The CVTC auto clubs will also be running a food stand ON LOCATION for your convenience.
September 25, 2007
Help with a fund raiser for the Medford Wisconsin Youth Hockey Organization and get a chance of a Lifetime to win a 2006 Ford GT. Link to more information (no affiliation with CVSCC).
September 17, 2007
The September general member meeting (Thursday, Sept 20 at 7pm) will NOT be at the airport, but will be held at CVTC's Health Education Center in room 118. The Health Center is on the south side of Clairmont near the CVTC footbridge, but see the CVTC maps for details and directions: city map with Health Center identified and to find the room in the Health Center see the Health Center building map.
September 17, 2007
Dick is hosting a 'Follow Dick' cruise on Sunday, Sept 23rd. The group will be leaving from Burger King on Golf Road in Eau Claire at 1pm (arrive 5-10 min ahead of time and be even earlier if you wish to eat lunch there). Dick will then lead the group on a spirited cruise on good roads to enjoy the drive and fall scenery, stopping at Hansen's Holdup near Arcadia for dinner, before driving back to Eau Claire. This is a non competative cruise, so no trophies are to be awarded and there is no cost to attend.
September 1, 2007
Minutes from the August meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
August 27, 2007
Online registration for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC MAIN CAMPUS is now open for all CVSCC members and CVTC students/staff. Register now at Registration for all others opens on Sept 1st...
August 16, 2007
Minutes from the July meeting have been added to the newsletter page.
August 14, 2007
Reminder of the August CVSCC member meeting on Thursday, August 16, at Connell's II (at airport). The meeting starts at 7pm and dinner will be available for you to order off the menu during the meeting or ahead of time if you choose. However, please be aware we are only able to use their meeting rooms for no charge if enough people eat, so please consider eating your meal here if you can.
Lastly, for those of you that typically eat before the meeting in the primary dining room, you'll now need to eat in the reserved room or it won't count towards our minimum number to get the room for no charge. So if you arrive early to eat, be sure to let them know you are with CVSCC and eat in the room they have reserved for us.
August 1, 2007
If anybody is planning on attending the Champ Car race at Road America on August 12, contact Nate for possible caravan or meetup there. Generac Grand Prix (Elkhart Lake) - Official Site
July 9, 2007
Details have been posted for the upcoming autocross on Sept 30th. This is at the large (apx 700x500) main lot on Clairemont near the footbridge. See the link for more details, registration opens Aug 27 for CVSCC/CVTC, all others Sept 1.
Also, don't forget about the meeting at our usual time/place - 7pm July 19th at Connell's II.
June 26, 2007
Just a reminder that this month's meeting and picnic is tonight at Carson Park. There is a chance of rain, but hopefully it won't happen at the park or will at least be short lived. Either way, we will go ahead with the plans for this evening. If anybody happens to have tent they can bring in case of rain that would be nice, but definately bring your umbrella just in case we do get some rain. If you have any questions contact Luke on his mobile number: 715-559-4018
Our annual picnic and June meeting will be on Tuesday June 26th at Carson park. Luke will arrive at 5pm to start grilling, but arrive when you are able. We will have a brief meeting and picnic/car show followed by an Eau Claire Cavaliers' ballgame at 7:30. CVSCC will provide brats/burgers and all dinnerware and condiments. Please signup with Luke ahead of time and bring a dish to pass, non alcoholic beverage, and chair to sit upon.
June 10, 2007
63 drivers attended today's autocross at CVTC West Campus, thanks to all that participated, especially those that helped make this event a success! Final results are now posted on the event page - here, a small initial set of photos have also been posted in the photo gallery, with more to be posted as they become available over the next few days.
June 5, 2007
Our club took 1st place for participation at the Chippewa Valley Corvette Club's show held June 2nd. We received $250 to our club funds for your efforts, thanks to all that brought their vehicles!!!
The CVSCC discussion forums have been revived, sort of...There is a new web forum that just started which is dedicated to Chippewa Valley sports car owners. Register and try it out at This is not directly managed or affiliated with CVSCC, but it could prove to be a useful resource for members.
May 18, 2007
Dick will host a 'Drive with Dick' on June 3rd to the Mississippi river for a dinner and back to Eau Claire. This will be a spirited cruise that has no placements or prizes, but no cost either. They will depart at 1pm on June 3rd from Smith's Country Inn on Hwy 37 outside of Eau Claire.
Our annual picnic and June meeting will be on Tuesday June 26th at Carson park. Luke will arrive at 5pm to start grilling, but arrive when you are able. We will have a brief meeting and picnic/car show followed by an Eau Claire Cavaliers' ballgame at 7:30. CVSCC will provide brats/burgers and all dinnerware and condiments. Please signup with Luke ahead of time and bring a dish to pass, non alcoholic beverage, and chair to sit upon. Rain date is June 28.
May 17, 2007
REMINDER - General member meeting is TONIGHT (Thursday, May 17) at 7pm at Connell's II (Chippewa Valley Airport). Also, there are still 2 board positions available: Newsletter & Vice President, please consider filling this void! Lastly, registration is NOW OPEN for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC on June 10, 2007. Full details and link to registration can be found here
In addition, the CVSCC and area calendars have been updated on the calendar page.
May 11, 2007
Registration is NOW OPEN for CVSCC's autocross at CVTC on June 10, 2007. Full details and link to registration can be found here
April 17, 2007
REMINDER - General member meeting & ELECTIONS: 7pm, April 19th at Connell's II. Please consider volunteering for a board position.
April 15, 2007
Autocross season is here! View the calendar for links to all area event listings (including MetCouncil), but CVSCC's first autocross will be held at CVTC West Campus on June 10, 2007!!!
March 13, 2007
Changes are being made to the details of the Pro Kart outing and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show on Saturday, March 17th. Due to a lack of confirmed attendees to meet the minium requirement, we will no longer be having a private karting session at 11am, but those interested are still free to head over for an arrive and drive session (see Pro Kart Indoor's website for pricing). Final details, including race time, possible car pooling and caravan preparations, will be finalized at the club meeting on March 15th at 7pm Connells II.
March 5, 2007
The Pro Kart outing and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show will be on Saturday, March 17th. The karting event will be a private session for the club at the Burnsville, MN Pro Kart location from 11am to noon. For those interested, this is also the last weekend of the auto show which is located at the Downtown Minneapolis & Convention Center. Since there are a limited number of seats available (20) we need to know how many people are planning on driving. The number of drivers also determines the cost per person (track rental of approx $650 divided by the number of drivers). This is open to non-club members so feel free to invite friends and relatives who would like to race with us. We will meet at McDonalds on Hwy. 12 and leave from there at 9:00am. To reserve your seats, or for more information, contact Bob Druschel at 552-0266.
For the curious, here are past photos from the 11-04-2006, 03-11-2006, and 03-20-2004 Pro Kart events
February 14, 2007
Bob is again organizing a Pro Kart outing ( and optional side trip to the Twin Cities auto show ( on Saturday, March 17th. The karting event will be a private session for the club at the Burnsville, MN Pro Kart location and the auto show is located at the Downtown Minneapolis & Convention Center. More details on time and caravan will be provided as they are determined. Contact Bob for more information.
January 22, 2007
CVSCC meetings start again in February, the first board meeting of 2007 will be on Feb 1st and the Feb 15 for the general member meeting. Both will be held at Connell's II at 7pm.
January 14, 2007
Visit the new 'trial' CVSCC store to buy CVSCC merchandise! If there is interest, more items will be provided. All items are sold at cost.
December 18, 2006
The calendar page has been updated to include a preliminary CVSCC 2007 schedule, with more dates to be added after meetings in Feb/March 2007. Here are the printable PDF formatted calendars in both list and monthly grid formats, or just view them online NOW (CVSCC, Met Council Autocross Series, & other area auto events).
Also, CVSCC will be switching to the iCal format for sharing calendars in 2007. This means you can have your computer's calendar automatically updated with CVSCC and many other area auto events when using a supported 'ics' program (iCal, Sunbird, Google calendar, etc). You can even subscribe to many other calendars to get dates for Met Council events, F1, TV shows, Packer games, etc. Details on the calendar page.
November 17, 2006
Happy Holidays!!! CVSCC does not meet in December or January, but will resume on Feb 1st with the board meeting and Feb 15 for the general member meeting.
November 6, 2006
Photos from the Nov 4 Pro Kart event are now posted in the photo section where 11 drivers took to the track. Thanks to Steve Johnson for the photos.
November 5, 2006
CVSCC Holiday Party & Meal (Nov 16th 7pm) - Advanced reservation required by Nov 10th. We confirmed with Connell’s II Restaurant that we have a room reserved for November 16th at 7pm, with preference for the large room. However, to have the family style meal we must have 25 persons so please reply back ASAP (by the 10th) if you plan to attend and have not yet signed up. As usual, the annual party will include a VERY short meeting, family style holiday meal, optional gift exchange and photos/video of the past year's events. The meal will include: chicken & ham, potatoes w/ gravy, dressing, cooked vegtables, relish tray, rolls, coffee & water for $10.50 (including tax & tip, but other drinks are extra). If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, bring a gift valued at apx $10 wrapped, but without a name tag. Those who brought a gift will then be able to take home a gift, but like previous years we will have fun 'selecting' a gift. Contact Nate for any questions.
October 25, 2006
Electric Karts & Board Meeting (Nov 2nd) - The CVSCC board meets the first Thursday of every month at 7pm, but this month we will meet at Action City in the dining area at the usual 7pm time and try to be done in 30 minutes. Anybody member interested is welcome to join the board at 7pm for this brief meeting. Then, at 7:30 join us for 3 electric kart races for just $10.54 per person ($9.99 + tax). Usually the kart races are $6 each at 'go speed' so this is a really good deal. We will be buying multiple access cards in bulk at 7:30 so please arrive at this time to be sure you can get in on the discount. These cards are intended for use with go karts, but Action City has many other activities available as well. Because this is not a private session we will simply run 3 races back to back, possibly with other members of the public, but Thursday evenings are fairly quiet. These karts they are electric powered and capable of 20-25 mph on a road race style track & no helmet or equipment required. NOTE - we are also looking into having a reserved private session at this location and we will be informed about a future karting league effort they will be starting in conjunction with the opening of their outdoor banked oval course with new gas powered karts, along with their existing karts/track.
Action City Website -
October 17, 2006
Results are now posted from the 'CVTC Grand Prix at the Bridge' (aka CVSCC's autocross on Oct 8th, 2006) - links here
October 14, 2006
Even more photos from the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8 are now posted here starting on page 10, thanks to Steve Johnson.
October 10, 2006
The first round of photos from the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8 are now posted here, but we expect a number more to roll in over the next week or two.
October 7, 2006
Online registration is now closed for the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College on Oct 8, but there is still room for onsite registration! Details here
October 5, 2006
Pro Kart Burnsville is now scheduled for Saturday, November 4th, contact Bob Druschel to signup. Details below
October 3, 2006
Bob has agreed to reserve a Pro Kart session in Burnsville, MN for those interested on the morning of Saturday, November 4th (RESCHEDULED). However, to be sure the price is reasonable ($30-$40 each for 1 hour split session), he needs as many of you as possible to let him know immediately if you will be attending. Our time is from 11-12, with registration at 10:30, we will depart from Eau Claire at 8:30 from the 94 & North Crossing/Hwy 12 McDonalds. The usual format is to split into 2 groups of qualifying sessions, with the results forming the final 2 groups for the actual race event. These karts can reach speeds of 40-50 mph on a road race style track and helmets are required, but are provided.
Pro Kart Indoor Website -
October 2, 2006
The CVSCC board meeting (and autocross planning) will be held at Coffee Traders International on October 5th.
The general member meeting will be held as usual at Connell’s II Restaurant at Chippewa Valley Regional Airport on October 19th.
September 26, 2006
The fall color tour to Tenba Ridge Winery for picnic & wine tasting is set for October 7th! Details here
September 01, 2006
Wheels & Wings (view flyer), will be held on Sept 9th in Osceola. This is a HUGE car show (photos from last year) and great book sale. Ron Bohl will be leaving from Eau Claire at about 6:15am, anybody interested in traveling along should meet him BEFORE this time as the group will leave promptly from the McDonald's near Menard's Old Mill center. If you wish to drive separate, here is a Google Map of the area.
August 18, 2006
TONS more photos from the autocross at Mason Shoe, courtesy of Steve Johnson, are now posted in the 'Shoebring 2006' gallery. The new photos start on page 14
August 17, 2006
Online registration opens soon for the autocross at Chippewa Valley Technical College (Sept 1 for CVSCC members and CVTC students/staff, Sept 8 for all others). Details here
August 16, 2006
The 'Driving photo scavenger hunt' for Aug 19 has been cancelled due to conflicts with a number of the planned participants. It may be rescheduled for a future date...
July 25, 2006
The CVSCC board meeting will be held at Coffee Traders International on August 3rd.
The general member meeting will be held at Connell’s II Restaurant at Chippewa Valley Regional Airport on August 17th.
July 24, 2006
Initial photos from 'Shoebring 2006' are now posted. We hope to have the final results posted (or linked) soon as well as additional photos. If you have photos to contribute, please contact [email protected].
Results are also now posted on the Met Council website. Results are available under the 'Event #4, July 23' entry by class, PAX ranking and raw time. July 16, 2006
Just a reminder about the July meeting - this Thursday 7:00 pm at Connell's at the Airport. The autocross at Mason Shoe is next Sunday, the 23rd, so it will be a major topic of discussion. We will need people to help with tech and on site registration (we currently have about 40 people pre-registered).
June 18, 2006
Online registration opens soon for the autocross at Mason Shoe (CVSCC members on June 20th, all others on June 27th). Details here
June 13, 2006
The Sports Car Club of La Crosse is considering having another Solo 2 (Autocross) school, contact Dan Hampton if you are interested. Below is the email received:
The Sports Car of La Crosse is, again, exploring the idea of conducting a Washburn Solo 2 School this September on either the 9th or 10th. of the month. Unlike the past, this will be an ALL day school. The location will be the track in Winona at SE Technical College. We will be limiting the class to 10-12 participants and the cost would be $100.00 for the full day.
The instruction is aimed at people of all experience levels. Typically, in the past, we have had a 50/50 mix of novice and experienced drivers. The instruction will be tailored to your tenure as a Solo 2 driver. The instruction will focus on slalom execution, line control, threshold braking, developing acceleration zones, etc.
The lead instructor, Pat Washburn, is a Nationally ranked Solo 2 driver, whose experience spans 20 yrs. of Regional and National Competition. This will be the fourth school that Pat has instructed for SCCLAC. Most of our "grads" have found the instruction to be excellent and most feel that it accelerated their learning curve by at least one year.
Again, this is simply a request by SCCLAC to determine an indication of interest by our Solo 2 participants. Please let me know if you have such an interest.
June 11, 2006
Photos from Doug's Memorial Rally are now posted. Dick should have the results available at the next meeting on June 15.
June 06, 2006
Seven CVSCC members registered their cars at the Corvette Club's car show, allowing CVSCC to take 2nd place in the most cars registered and a prize of $100. Tom Rust took 1st place in class J, while Bob took 2nd. Also showing were Mary/Ron, Al, Dick, Nate and Zach. There is a picture of class J (sports cars/imports) in the CVSCC Photos that has 5 of the 7 cars that registered, Dick is off camera and Zach came later in the day.
June 02, 2006
NOTICE: June's General Member Meeting (June 15th) will be held at Bergstrom Saturn / Hummer of Eau Claire, 3525 Hwy 93 from 6-8pm, with a brief meeting at 7pm. This will also be our annual picnic with CVSCC providing meat (burgers, brats, hot dogs), buns, napkins, dinnerware and condiments. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass, their own beverage (non-alcoholic as courtesy) and optional lawn chair for seating. Thanks to Saturn and salesman Doug Skapyak (who brought that awesome Saturn Sky to our last meeting) who will be providing the grill, location and tour of the facilities. Lastly, thanks to Luke Howard for planning the event again! FYI - This change was prompted as a result of Saw Dust City Days parking restrictions which conflicted with the Cav's game and our previous location at Carson Park.
Also, a reminder that Doug Christensen's Memorial Rally is rescheduled for June 11th with registration at 12pm at Smith's Country Inn on Hwy 37. See the flyer for details.
Lastly, the schedule for the Burger King car shows is listed in the Calendar section of the website.
June 01, 2006
Do you have what it takes to win the Dunlop cup? Any CVSCC members want to apply?
May 31, 2006
As we have a vacant newsletter position, there will no longer be any monthly newsletters, but occasional news items will be sent via email and posted on this CVSCC website instead.
May 13, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - May, 2006: (Click Here)
May 1, 2006
NOTICE: May's General Member Meeting (May 18th) will be held at Elite Audio, 2135 South Hastings Way – Across from Taco Bell at the usual 7pm time.
May 1, 2006
NOTICE: May's Board Member Meeting (May 4th) will be held at Coffee Traders International, 2230 Eastridge Center – Next to Mega Pick n Save East at the usual 7pm time.
April 15, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - April, 2006: (Click Here)
April 13, 2006
The April general member meeting (April 20th) will again be held at Connell's II at the airport. Final nominations and elections will be held, so please pay your dues before the meeting. The meeting starts at 7pm, but please arrive at 6:30 in our meeting room to join us for dinner (order on your own off the menu). UPDATE - Following the meeting, Dick may show a video if time allows. We also should have a Saturn Sky showing at this meeting.
March 12, 2006
The March 11 trip to Pro Kart in Maple Grove was a fun event with 14 participants, followed by lunch and then a few members took in the Twin Cities auto show, photos available.
Also, we've added past newsletters from Volume 21 (2001 - 2002) and Volume 22 (2002 - 2003) to the website.
March 8, 2006
Get the most recent newsletter - March, 2006: (Click Here)
March 3, 2006
For the March 11 Maple Grove Pro Kart & Minneapolis Auto Show event: we should now have enough drivers for the Pro Kart event, but spaces are still available, contact Bob for details at 552-0266. If you plan to drive with the group or possibly car pool, we will leave from McDonalds on 12/124/94 near Menards HQ at 8:30am. For those meeting us at one of the destinations, let Bob know your plans and then be at Pro Kart Maple Grove by 10:30am for signin or contact Bob for meeting location for the auto show.
Related Links:
Twin Cities Auto Show
Pro Kart Indoor
Feb 20, 2006
Watch this area & email (for CVSCC members) for information about the March 11 Maple Grove Pro Kart & Minneapolis Auto Show event or contact Bob for details at 552-0266. There will also be a discussion about the car pool & lunch details at the March 2 board meeting at 7pm at Connell's 2 (non board members welcome).
Related Links:
Twin Cities Auto Show
Pro Kart Indoor
Feb 19, 2006
Welcome to the new CVSCC Website! In this area, you will find any latest news about the club.